In Gold Investors Trust: Gold as the most trusted Investment. How?

Kevin Pearce
5 min readDec 28, 2020


Gold is one of the longest investment existed for humankind. It has been used as a symbol of wealth and power since 4.000 B.C. The trust of gold had been expressed by our ancestor back then. Despite as a symbol of power and wealth, gold was used to buy armies and build temples. Gold was also used for a trade tool.

Through its historical journey, gold still remains as a valuable asset to have and doesn’t lose its credibility until the modern time. This long-standing value of gold is one of key for investor to trust gold as their best investment.

Historically, gold had experienced ups and downs journey in its gold price history through the economic swings occurred globally. Surprisingly, its value still rise up and doesn’t experience a permanent extreme decline. For example, in 1999, gold is only priced at $251.70 per ounce after it fell from the price of $850 an ounce in 1980. Not stopping there, the price game is still on its road. In 2008 gold price hit $878.75 per ounce due to the collapse of Lehman Brother. And now in 2020, gold is recorded reaching its highest price ever in August with $2.048.2 according to the gold price history of GoldHub.

To measure that gold investment is worth to try, let’s take a look on this short description.

An ounce of gold in the year of 1971 was equalled with $35. Imagine if you have the opportunity to own both an ounce of gold and own $35 in cash at that time. In early 1970s, you can buy luxury things with both gold and cash you have as mentioned before. But as the times continue to tick, you won’t be able to buy luxury things such as fancy clothes and bikes only with $35 nowadays. And how about gold? With its value per ounce today, you can still buy those luxury things only with gold.

From the description above, we can see that gold doesn’t lost its value through the years, but dollars does. The dollar lost its value through the inflation occurred but gold can get through the inflation well. This is one of factors investor can put their trust on gold in investment that gold is a safe haven investment.

Despites those mentioned reasons, people trust gold as its high rates of liquidity. If investors choose their investment of gold in physical form, they can easily sale in any bank and at any moment. This free movement of transaction is one of advantages of gold among other investment types.

Gold is worth it! Why? The mining process of gold is not that easy to do. In fact, it will involve many parties and of course requires big amount of money, time, and energies. The sacrifices given will guarantee the value of gold itself.

As mentioned above, the price of gold grows continuously as the years passed by. The value of gold remains steady during the swings and tensions of economic sector. This year, global economic sector suffer crisis from the effect of Covid-19, surprisingly gold itself gain its popularity among the society. The panic attack of the emergence of Covid-19 waves rushes people to invest their money on gold. The gold demand in the Covid-19 environment itself affects the way people to invest on gold.

Digital gold investment rise its popularity during Covid-19. Since people are restricted to do their physical activities outside the house, buying gold on digital platform will help the investors a lot to continue their investment activities. By bringing digital gold on the investment, it obviously will prevent the risk of investing on physical gold such as the safekeeping and storing the physical gold itself.

It is so easy to rely digital gold in the pandemic situation. It is a perfect solution for whom who want to stay safe during the purchasing of gold. Investors can buy digital gold from vendors through several platforms. One of which is Digital Gold. Only with internet/mobile banking, investors can have their freedom to invest in gold through digital gold.

What are the advantages of digital gold?

Some of digital gold platforms allow you to purchase gold anonymity. It guarantees the high privacy of the customers just like doing a transaction through digital wallet. Unlike the physical gold, digital gold doesn’t cost additional fees such as transporting fee for the transaction made. Only with clicks, the customers can buy, sell, and transfer digital gold easily also it is great for your portfolio

When purchasing digital gold, customer will receive token that 100% fully backed by physical gold. Don’t worry of its credibility, physical gold stored will be ensured to match with the tokens in a real time. Through the platforms of digital gold, the customer will be provided with the insurance. It will cover the risks that perhaps occur in the investment process. Especially in safety sector.

One thing for sure that everyone will likely to love is, digital gold has the high liquidity that enable the investors to quickly purchase and sale large amount of tokens they have. If it is under urgent circumstances, the investor can instantly do the transaction anytime and anywhere they like. Just like a physical gold, digital gold also has a long life expectancy and can be trusted through the years.

Those advantages mentioned about digital gold can be found on the the Digital Gold platforms which is one of the best platforms to buy digital gold. The advantages of digital gold is really suitable for the millennial in this digital savvy era. It can be seen that with the emergence of this modern kind of investment in gold, the gold value will last longer and has the opportunity to gain more trust from all generation.

Although gold lost its function as money, but the value of gold ensure the life of gold in investment. It is still unsure how far the value of gold will be in the future, but it is true that gold will not lost its trust and popularity among the society.

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Author’s Detail:

Bitcointalk username: kpierce77



Kevin Pearce

Award-winning travel trailblazer. Creator. Explorer. Proud thinker. Reader. Infuriatingly humble coffee maven.